I haven’t posted to my blog for a long time. Did you miss me? I missed all of you. So why haven’t I posted? Life got in the way. It certainly wasn’t lack of interest. It was Cancer.
So, three years ago I was diagnosed with Stage IV Breast Cancer. A very aggressive fast growing version. Which required a lot of treatment (Chemotherapy, Surgery, Radiation, Immunotherapy). It started in my right breast and then quickly moved into my lymph nodes.
The early diagnosis was bad. When the surgeon told me that there was nothing he could do, I very nearly lost it. It was like he was signing my death certificate in advance. Fortunately, my Oncologist wasn’t the type to just give up and move on to the next patient. She held my hand, let me cry and then went to war against it. She also came down on the surgeon for his attitude.
So, here I am, 3 years later. 3 years I might not have had if I hadn’t kept fighting. By doing everything I was required to do to take full advantage of all my treatments.
I must admit, the side effects are pretty bad. Some of which will be with me for the rest of my life. But, I’m not giving up. I’m still here. Still winning against it.
I didn’t do this alone. My husband has been and is my rock. Fighting his own fears, stayed by my side every step of the way. He pointed out that even this was included in our wedding vows. In sickness and in health. The man is a saint.
Now I’m making a choice. Not only will I continue the fight against Cancer, but I plan to get back into the groove of writing. So expect to see more of me writing about the things I love.