Thursday, March 12, 2015

The Path to Publishing

Compared to the critique process, I'm finding another part of the writing/publishing world a maze. The world of self-publishing is a broad and busy minefield of options and choices.

The Path

Years ago, I like many tried the traditional publishing route. I sent manuscripts out to publishers I thought would like my stories. A few rejections and my belief in my writing took a beating. Oddly enough I kept writing.

Then the world of literary agents opened up. People who would take my novel and go head to head with publishers and all their minions to get my book out there. They were a busy bunch, but there were a lot of them. I figured my chances were better at avoiding the slush pile. A few hundred query letters later with my latest works and I got more rejections.

Yet, I kept writing. I turned my skills to writing Fanfiction for a while. I must have learned something from all those rejections as I started to develop a small fanbase for those stories. My trampled ego began to recover.

Vanity Press

Yeah this was well named and I considered doing this at one point. However, I was in a constant state of broke. I couldn't afford the number of copies I would need along with the fact I had a full time job that wouldn't allow me to go haunt the local bookstores. In addition, my chances of success were low.


This is the world I'm currently exploring. The internet has exploded with options and opportunities. At first glance it seems pretty encouraging. The pitfalls on the other hand are equally daunting as the advantages.

There are so many options that trying to find the best one for me is hard. If you don't believe me, just do a quick search on 'self-publishing' and look at the total of results.

So you, fair reader get to follow me on my path of publishing research. Even though I'm still in the 2nd revision of Shadow Point, waiting until I'm done to start this process would be a bad idea.

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