Thursday, September 17, 2015

Battling the Procrasti-Demon

Welcome to the Procrastination Relief Workshop.


Well, we haven't gotten around to setting up anything or send any invitations... But I'm sure we will... eventually.

Does this sound familiar?

I'm going to write a novel.

But I haven't gotten around to it. But, I will. Someday. When I'm ready. When the time is right. When I settle down. When I have more time. After the baby. When the kids go to school. After I've settled into this job. When my spouse gets a raise. After I pay off the house. When the kids start high school.

You say you're not that bad?

What about these:

Tomorrow. This weekend. After my TV show goes off. When the kids go to bed. After dinner. When the dishes are done. In the morning. After lunch. When I'm on break.

Or this...

I read this blog first.

I battle the Procrasti-Demon daily. Unfortunately it wins a lot. I was going to write this blog last night, but I was enticed away by the lure of watching Chess in Concert for three hours. By then it was bedtime. I'll do it in the morning, I said. After I've had my coffee.... Let me watch the morning news first.... After this movie... When I finish hanging up the laundry... After I eat...

And my day is gone and the Procrasti-Demon wins again.

The thing is, it doesn't always win. There are moments when I can ignore him. I just have to keep trying. Eventually my wins will outnumber my fails.

How do I know I'm getting anywhere? Well, I've written more blog posts in the last month than in the last couple years. That's a win.

I'm also trying the reward system. If I post a blog today, I get a Root Beer Float ice cream bar.

So if you're reading this, I'm eating ice cream.

Okay, you're read my  post. Go write something!

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