Thursday, January 7, 2016

Your Writing Goals

A new year and have you made any resolutions? Are they the same ones you made last year? How about the year before? I see you squirming in your seat. The resolution game always starts out with excitement and then a week later they are either put aside or forgotten and the year continues on.

Depressing isn't it? Especially if you want to publish your novel. Every year I say "I'm going to publish." Every year it doesn't happen. Why? I allow distractions to pull me away from what my goal is. I don't have time. Or, I don't have the money. There is always something in the way. Something I allow to get in the way.

New year. New resolution? No. This year I'm not making a resolution. This year I am making goals. The reason I changed my thinking was due to a free webinar I listened to last night. I recommend reading what this man has to say. Michael Hyatt is someone I have found that actually inspires me to do better.

So I'm writing down my Goals. Number one: publish in 2016. Now this is where it gets interesting. That goal is vague and undefined. Not very actionable, is it. So this is where the productivity training comes in. I need to drill down and figure out what steps I need to make this happen.

So here is another link for you. Just so you know what steps you need to take and how to set them up. Joel Friedlander has an online book planner that will help you do just that. Definitely worth the money to subscribe. The Book Planner is a great site to keep you going. My biggest problem has always been "What to do when?".  This site gives you a lot of hand holding.

This is just the beginning. This year, lets make this happen.

Those links again:
 Michael Hyatt
The Book Planner

Now I'm off to get back to work. :)

What are you Planning to do?

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