Saturday, October 17, 2020

NaNoWriMo Prep

 It’s that time of year again. Writers around the world are preparing for National Novel Writing Month

2020. They took that first step and signed up, committing themselves to writing 50,000 words over the space of 30 days.

Halfway through the month of October, it hits them. That frightening commitment that will eat their soul for a month. Where friends and family will be ignored more than usual. And they still have to try to manage dealing with Thanksgiving and Covid-19 limitations. It's scary. It’s daunting. It’s overwhelming. What was I thinking?

Over the years I’ve been doing NaNoWriMo, I’ve learned a few things. 

Deadlines are not bad things. They taught me how to focus on a single project and complete it in that timeframe.

A little preparation can’t hurt. This was one of the biggest things I learned.

I started out as a purebred Pantser. I made the story up as I went along. Occasionally having to stop to Google something I needed more information on. Occasionally I would get stuck not knowing what to write next, so I would skip around scenes to just keep going. I reached my goal, but when it came to the editing process, I honestly didn’t know what to do with it.

Then I decided to give being a Planner a shot. No surprises. All the information was at my fingertips . I knew where the story was going. I even knew how it would end. The fight scenes were detailed out and logical. The characters had complete biographies and motivations. The downside? I was bored by the story. I completed it, but I found it extremely dull writing it and reading it. There was nothing for me to discover.

So I am now what is called a Plantser. There is planning involved. I even have an outline. Character names and a brief sketch of their personalities. I have a list of websites I’ll need for more information. However, everything is subject to change. The outline is a guide only and it’ll be okay for me to deviate

from it if the story demands it. My lead Male Character has already changed his name and background, twice and it’s not even November yet.

What’s important is finding the best method that works for you. Whether you are a Planner or Pantser, the point is to get that story out of your head. Remember, out there is someone with a hole within them that is in the exact shape of your story.

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